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Planting Love, Spreading Hope - Public Welfare Campaign for Shiqin Primary School Donation for Education

2023-06-13 View count:420 Size:

Take social responsibility and spread the hope of love! For many years, LTMG has been committed to public welfare and charity activities, and actively practiced social welfare activities in various fields such as poverty alleviation and disaster relief. In June, LTMG set out again to Shiqin Primary School in Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, to carry out public welfare activities of donation and education.

Zhangzhou Shiqin Primary School is located in Mapu Township, Yunxiao County. Due to its remote location, inconvenient transportation, and limited local development, most of the students in the school are poor students, and the educational resources available are very limited. At the beginning of 2023, after learning this information, the LTMG public welfare volunteer team immediately began to prepare to go to Shiqin Primary School to carry out the activity plan of donating to support education.

On the afternoon of June 2, the LTMG volunteer team arrived at Shiqin Primary School in Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province with a batch of charitable materials. The school and the local government strongly supported the charity event of donating for education. The teachers and students of Shiqin Primary School warmly welcomed the arrival of the LTMG team and jointly carried out a warm donation ceremony.


At the donation ceremony, the volunteer representatives delivered a speech, representing LTMG's most sincere care and support for the students. Volunteers carefully prepared new schoolbags, stationery, daily necessities, etc. for each student. When the students received the gifts, they were filled with happy smiles, feeling the love and warmth from the society. Afterwards, the volunteers visited their classrooms and school buildings, interacted and chatted with the students, and saw the innocent smiles of the children, which made the volunteers feel extremely gratified.


This donation activity not only brought material help to the students of Shiqin Primary School, but more importantly, gave them confidence and hope. LTMG firmly believes that every child has unlimited potential. As a large enterprise, LTMG has the responsibility and obligation to pay attention to such groups in society, give them support, and help them embrace a better future. At the same time, LTMG also calls on more companies and individuals to join public welfare actions to jointly create a better educational environment for children in poor areas and lay a solid foundation for their growth.