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LTMG 2022 year-end party

2023-02-01 View count:494 Size:

    On January 30, 2022, LTMG held a year-end party with the theme of "Pursuing Dreams and Stars, Steady Progress and Prosperity" at  Hilton Hotel in Xiamen. All the staff of the group company and the representatives of the subsidiaries gathered together, dressed up and attended the event.



    The dinner started under the grand red carpet ceremony. All the staff walked into the red carpet under the beautiful music. Everyone had a happy smile on their faces. Better yourself to wave!




     After the red carpet ceremony, the chairman made a toast speech: on behalf of LTMG, he would like to extend New Year greetings and best wishes to all employees who have worked hard for a year. As the Chinese New Year is approaching, I wish all colleagues and family members a happy Chinese New Year and a happy family! The year-end party officially started with the blessing of the chairman.





     After toasting together to celebrate, all the staff joined hands to present a wonderful theatrical performance for everyone. Whether it is dance, song, recitation, or creative programs, they are all very exciting. LTMG staff have shown a high level of talent in their spare time. The charm and demeanor of LTMG staff are shining brightly at this moment. During the period, all the staff shared delicacies and toasted each other to send blessings. The whole dinner was full of laughter.





         LTMG's 2022 year-end party came to an end amidst laughter and laughter. It is believed that it is because of the hard work of all employees in the past year that the most brilliant smiles will bloom at the end of the year. Looking back on 2022, all employees will be united in LTMG, After a glorious year, looking forward to 2023,LTMG staff who are like a family will continue to unite closely under the correct leadership of the group and the chairman, and move forward!

